Stay Bug- & Itch-Free with These Essentials for Indoors & Outside

Picture it: it's a warm summer night. You sit outside to enjoy a meal in your backyard, when suddenly you hear it. The buzz of an insect around your ear. Soon, you feel the inevitable itch on your skin. You find refuge inside, but a fly has followed you in. There's no escape. If this scenario sounds familiar to you, or you just want to avoid it at all costs, I'm with you. That's why I've put together a list of the best essentials to have on hand, both indoors and outside your home, to keep you bug-free and itch-free. From preventative sprays to patches that can help you after you've been bit, there's something for every kind of bite and insect.

If you want a spray that will keep away bugs, but includes DEET (a strong chemical used in many repellents), then there's a popular option backed by over 9,000 5-star Amazon reviews. And, if you'd like a DEET-free option, I've included ones that have plant-based and chemical-free formulas that are also effective. There's also indoor traps, outdoor zappers, and plug-in traps that can catch flies, gnats, mosquitoes, and more. Plus, sprays to soothe bites, a mesh screen door to keep out unwanted pests, and repellent bracelets.

Continue reading to learn more, written by Megan Gray.

अंतिम अद्यतन

January 6, 2025

द्वारा लिखित
फोटो थंबनेल ब्लॉग लेखक

MSN Contributing Writer

Contributing Writer

Written by an unknown contributing writer for MSN.

अधिक सामग्री का अन्वेषण करें

मीडिया मेंशन

कपड़ों और गियर (लेकिन त्वचा नहीं) के लिए, सॉयर प्रोडक्ट्स का पर्मेथ्रिन रिपेलेंट टिक्स और मच्छरों को दूर करने के समान सूत्रों के समान प्रभावी है, और इसके ट्रिगर स्प्रे को नियंत्रित करना आसान है।

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मीडिया मेंशन

शीर्ष बग विकर्षक - सॉयर उत्पाद 20% पिकारिडिन कीट विकर्षक

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There's nothing worse than running out of water mid-hike, but with the Sawyer Mini Water Filtration System, you can make any fresh water ready to drink in minutes. It filters out everything from sediment to bacteria from the water, and can be a real lifesaver in a pinch.

लोकप्रिय यांत्रिकी

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हमारे समुदाय के साथ कैम्प फायर वार्तालाप, स्क्वाड सदस्यों और राजदूतों से लेकर ब्रांड पार्टनर्स और सॉयर टीम तक।