अल्बर्टा और कनाडा में टिक्स - आप सभी को टिक्स और लाइम रोग के बारे में पता होना चाहिए

Tick season is in full force in Alberta and other parts of Canada and the USA. The highest concentration of ticks in Alberta is seen throughout spring and early summer, but the threat of Lyme disease will continue well into the autumn, when temperatures begin to drop. Ticks are known to live in forested areas in Canada, but they are also becoming more and more common in city parks and even backyards. Yuck!

However, this doesn’t mean you need to hibernate indoors all summer. There are important prevention steps you can take to prevent yourself from getting bitten by a tick, and it’s important to know what to do if you do get bitten.

Read the full article by Jennifer Fast on jennexplores.com here.

अंतिम अद्यतन

October 23, 2024

द्वारा लिखित
फोटो थंबनेल ब्लॉग लेखक

जेन एक्सप्लोर

Media Mentions from Jenn Explores

Passionate photographer, storyteller and explorer

अधिक सामग्री का अन्वेषण करें

मीडिया मेंशन

Whether for gardening, mowing or warm evenings outside, we found Sawyer Products 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent to be an excellent choice in every setting.

स्वास्थ्य से मीडिया उल्लेख

मीडिया मेंशन

The efficacy of DEET without harsh chemicals. Sawyer Picardin Insect Repellent is our go-to skin protection against mosquitos and ticks. We prefer the lotion to the spray-on, which lasts 8-14 hours.

साहसिक एलन
एडवेंचर एलन से मीडिया मेंशन

मीडिया मेंशन

We recommend this lotion from Sawyer for its effectiveness, thorough application, and easily transportable bottle.

वास्तविक सरल
रियल सिंपल से मीडिया मेंशन

दस्ते से

हमारे समुदाय के साथ कैम्प फायर वार्तालाप, स्क्वाड सदस्यों और राजदूतों से लेकर ब्रांड पार्टनर्स और सॉयर टीम तक।