The Best Tick Repellents to Keep You Safe From Bites All Summer Long

Follow these precautions to steer clear of disease-causing tick bites this season.

Summer is the best time of year to go hiking, have a cook-out in the park, and hit the trails for your run. But while soaking up the great outdoors will get you moving and boost your mood, it still comes with its fair share of risks—like sunburns, heat stroke, and too many bugs to count.

These bugs include ticks, which have been spiking in numbers across the United States—and they’re carrying diseases with them, according to a 2018 report from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Read the full article by Alisa Hrustic on's website here.

अंतिम अद्यतन

October 24, 2024

द्वारा लिखित
फोटो थंबनेल ब्लॉग लेखक


रोकथाम से मीडिया उल्लेख

आपका स्वास्थ्यप्रद आप! प्राकृतिक इलाज, स्वास्थ्य, पोषण, व्यंजनों, सौंदर्य, मन-शरीर, वजन घटाने और फिटनेस पर हमारे विशेषज्ञों से सुझाव प्राप्त करें।

अधिक सामग्री का अन्वेषण करें

मीडिया मेंशन

Whether for gardening, mowing or warm evenings outside, we found Sawyer Products 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent to be an excellent choice in every setting.

स्वास्थ्य से मीडिया उल्लेख

मीडिया मेंशन

The efficacy of DEET without harsh chemicals. Sawyer Picardin Insect Repellent is our go-to skin protection against mosquitos and ticks. We prefer the lotion to the spray-on, which lasts 8-14 hours.

साहसिक एलन
एडवेंचर एलन से मीडिया मेंशन

मीडिया मेंशन

We recommend this lotion from Sawyer for its effectiveness, thorough application, and easily transportable bottle.

वास्तविक सरल
रियल सिंपल से मीडिया मेंशन

दस्ते से

हमारे समुदाय के साथ कैम्प फायर वार्तालाप, स्क्वाड सदस्यों और राजदूतों से लेकर ब्रांड पार्टनर्स और सॉयर टीम तक।