The Gear You Need for the Ultimate Wall-Tent Turkey Camp

There's nothing like spending a week hunting spring turkeys out of a wall-tent camp with your buds. Here's all the gear you need to pull it off

Wouldn’t it be cool if you got a bunch of buds together and hunted turkeys out of a wall-tent camp? Actually, let me answer that for you. Yes, it would be very cool, and I know because I’ve done it a bunch, and it’s always a blast.

Of course, you could just set up individual pup tents and do things that way. I’ve done that too, and it’s fun. But it’s a lot more fun when you have a big, comfortable communal area, where you can cook and eat and play cards and hang out and b.s. together all in one spot.

So, let’s assume you want to go all out and make this the ultimate wall-tent turkey camp for your crew. You can split the costs between you, or you can buy only the essentials for this spring, and fancy it up a little each year. Either way, here’s the gear you want, written by Dave Hurteau.

अंतिम अद्यतन

February 7, 2025

द्वारा लिखित
फोटो थंबनेल ब्लॉग लेखक

फ़ील्ड + स्ट्रीम

फ़ील्ड + स्ट्रीम से मीडिया उल्लेख

फील्ड एंड स्ट्रीम कुल बाहरी व्यक्ति की आत्मा है, और 1895 से शिकार और मछली पकड़ने की सामग्री प्रकाशित कर रहा है।

अधिक सामग्री का अन्वेषण करें

मीडिया मेंशन

Consumer Reports has ranked [Sawyer 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent] as the best protection against mosquitoes.

Tori Peglar

मीडिया मेंशन

“It's not greasy, and absorbs really well. It also doesn't have a smell to it, which is nice,” adds Porter.

Ashley Jones
Contributing Writer

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You have the chance to win a Benelli shotgun, Blocker Outdoors turkey hunting apparel, premium Pistol Creek Calls, Sawyer tick-repellent products, and much more.

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