Since When Do You Have to Be Stylish on the Trail?

It’s a cold, rainy day in Northern California, and we wish we were outside, sitting next to a tent warmed in a late afternoon sun, pulling off a pair of boots, sore feet aching after miles of hiking, a pot of water on to boil for a salty backpacker meal. Instead, we’re reading previously published favorites, like this one, questioning whether we really need that shiny new whatever. As complicated people, we can both appreciate and get stoked on new gear, but also appreciate not appreciating it, if that makes sense. – Ed.

Net nuzhdy — “there is no need.” That’s what two former Russian soldiers said when I asked if they needed to borrow socks to wear with their old boots instead of the rags I saw wrapped around their feet.

I ran into them some 20 years ago as they were wandering the high country of Washington’s North Central Cascades. At their camp, they were using an ancient alcohol stove for heat and instead of backpacks they carried what they needed in burlap bags slung over their shoulders. You would not find these guys on the latest cover of The North Face gear catalog.

To read the complete article written by Russ Hanbey, click here.

अंतिम अद्यतन

October 21, 2024

द्वारा लिखित
फोटो थंबनेल ब्लॉग लेखक

साहसिक जर्नल

एडवेंचर जर्नल से मीडिया मेंशन

एडवेंचर जर्नल एक ऑनलाइन पत्रिका है जो अपने सभी रूपों में आउटडोर रोमांच के लिए समर्पित है। इसकी स्थापना पाउडर पत्रिका के पूर्व संपादक स्टीव कैसिमिरो ने की थी, बाइक पत्रिका के संस्थापक संपादक और नेशनल ज्योग्राफिक एडवेंचर के वेस्ट कोस्ट संपादक।

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