Squeeze Water Filtration System Helpful Tips and Tricks

Sawyer filters offer the highest level of filtration available, therefore they are removing more seen and unseenparticulates than most people are used to filtering. Even water that looks sparkling clear can actually be loaded withvery fine particulates. The Sawyer squeeze pouches are rugged but not indestructible. They can tear as a result of toomuch pressure being applied which happens when one tries to force water through the filter too fast or when the filterneeds cleaning and is creating more resistance.

डाउनलोड पीडीऍफ़

अधिक संसाधन

Using Sawyer Filters in an Emergency

How to use Sawyer filters in an emergency.

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4 min

Sawyer MINI Filter Instructions

Use and Care Instructions

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4 min

Sawyer MINI Water Filtration System Safety Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet

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4 min

सॉयर टैप फ़िल्टर परीक्षण के परिणाम

Report from the filtration efficacy study

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4 min

डोमिनिकन गणराज्य, घरों बनाम स्कूलों में पानी फिल्टर का एक अध्ययन

डोमिनिकन गणराज्य में घरों और स्कूलों में पॉइंट-ऑफ-यूज़ वॉटर फिल्टर के यादृच्छिक, नियंत्रित संभावित परीक्षण में दस्त का प्रसार

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4 min

सॉयर प्रशिक्षण - उच्च प्रदर्शन जल फिल्टर और 4 कारण क्यों सॉयर मानक निर्धारित करता है

सॉयर प्रशिक्षण - उच्च प्रदर्शन जल फिल्टर और 4 कारण क्यों सॉयर मानक निर्धारित करता है

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4 min

Explore All Sawyer has to Offer

Our mission is to enable everyone to enjoy the outdoors safely by eradicating waterborne and insect-borne illnesses.