सॉयर खोखले फाइबर फ़िल्टर शक्ति परीक्षण

Calvin College conducted a study on the fibers used in various brands of Hollow FiberMembrane water filters. They carefully dissected the filters to measure the fiber diameters andwall thickness using a Lecia dissecting microscope. From these measurements they were able tocalculate “hoop stress” of the fibers to determine the stress the fibers can withstand. Using theircalculations and the design characteristics of the way the fibers are used, Sawyer can confidentlystate that Sawyer fibers are 75% stronger than the other filter fibers that were tested. Thismeans the Sawyer fibers can be backwashed more vigorously, insuring longer life of the filter

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अधिक संसाधन

Sawyer TBM Kibera Final Report December 2022

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4 min

Tintle et al 2019 Evaluating the Efficacy of Point of Use Water Filter

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4 min

Fiji International Project Handout Data Driven Solutions

Data Driven Solutions

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4 min

Using Sawyer Filters in an Emergency

How to use Sawyer filters in an emergency.

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4 min

Sawyer MINI Filter Instructions

Use and Care Instructions

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4 min

Sawyer MINI Water Filtration System Safety Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet

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4 min

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Our mission is to enable everyone to enjoy the outdoors safely by eradicating waterborne and insect-borne illnesses.