जेनिफर फार डेविस सॉयर माइक्रो निचोड़ पानी फिल्टर का परिचय देता है


Enjoy clean and safe drinking water wherever you roam with the ultra-compact, lightweight, reusable Sawyer Micro Squeeze Water Filtration System — from backcountry adventures to everyday office work and from domestic and international travel to emergency prepping. With a total field weight of 2 ounces, this tiny filter fits in the palm of your hand.  While small in size, the powerful Micro Squeeze removes 99.99999% of bacteria (salmonella, cholera and E. coli) and 99.9999% of protozoa (cryptosporidium and giardia) — exceeding EPA recommendations for removal rates.

Attach the Micro Squeeze to the included drinking pouch, use the included straw to drink directly from your water source, connect it to your hydration pack tubing, or screw it onto standard disposable bottles (28mm thread). Made of a strong, softer material, the included 32-ounce (1-liter) Squeeze Pouch is half the weight of the standard 32-ounce Sawyer Squeeze Pouch and features a redesigned gusset for easy filling and stability.

The Sawyer Micro Squeeze is rated up to 100,000 gallons. It comes with a 32-ounce reusable squeeze pouch, drinking straw, cleaning coupling, spare gasket, and cleaning plunger.

Visit our website here.

Learn more about Jennifer Pharr Davis on her website: https://jenniferpharrdavis.com/

डाउनलोड पीडीऍफ़

अधिक संसाधन

Using Sawyer Filters in an Emergency

How to use Sawyer filters in an emergency.

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4 min

Sawyer MINI Filter Instructions

Use and Care Instructions

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4 min

Sawyer MINI Water Filtration System Safety Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet

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4 min

सॉयर टैप फ़िल्टर परीक्षण के परिणाम

Report from the filtration efficacy study

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4 min

डोमिनिकन गणराज्य, घरों बनाम स्कूलों में पानी फिल्टर का एक अध्ययन

डोमिनिकन गणराज्य में घरों और स्कूलों में पॉइंट-ऑफ-यूज़ वॉटर फिल्टर के यादृच्छिक, नियंत्रित संभावित परीक्षण में दस्त का प्रसार

डाउनलोड पीडीऍफ़लेख पढ़ेंwatch VIDEO
4 min

सॉयर प्रशिक्षण - उच्च प्रदर्शन जल फिल्टर और 4 कारण क्यों सॉयर मानक निर्धारित करता है

सॉयर प्रशिक्षण - उच्च प्रदर्शन जल फिल्टर और 4 कारण क्यों सॉयर मानक निर्धारित करता है

डाउनलोड पीडीऍफ़लेख पढ़ेंwatch VIDEO
4 min

Explore All Sawyer has to Offer

Our mission is to enable everyone to enjoy the outdoors safely by eradicating waterborne and insect-borne illnesses.