Sawyer Filter Backwashing Tips and Tricks

This video will show you how to backwash your Sawyer MINI and Squeeze Filter.  

The trick to a successful backwashing is to be very forceful with the process.  Water will always take the path of least resistance, so in order to full flush out the filter and restore it's flow rate, the backwashing pressure needs to exceed the pressure in which it is used.   A successful backwash can restore up to 98.5% of the flow rate.  

If your filter is very clogged we'd recommend first soaking it in warm water to loosen up the fibers.  If your water source is mineral rich, then we'd even suggest soaking it in vinegar.

डाउनलोड पीडीऍफ़

अधिक संसाधन

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Our mission is to enable everyone to enjoy the outdoors safely by eradicating waterborne and insect-borne illnesses.